

A Weekend with Gwyn Williams (Australia)

zenthai shiatsu bodywork, story telling, and community play - everyone welcomed

June 13th-15th

Registration or questions : Email Kristen: awakentothepath@gmail.com


Friday, June 13th : 18.15-20.45 

  • We way we do one thing is the way we do everything 

This is the first principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life 

Distraction is a thief that steals our life force by destabilising our inner centre. Can we pay attention to what we are paying attention to?  Can we fully occupy each moment with a fierce and articulate presence? 

In this class we will focus on the legs, pelvis and sacroiliac joint as a way to stabilise our body, both physically and energetically. Stand with a empowered solidarity that cannot be provoked .

“ What are you broadcasting right now “

Saturday, June 15th : 12.00-14.30 

  • Empty Empty -Happy Happy 

This is the second principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life

This class is asking us to courageously let go of old stories and beliefs that have us imprisoned in the past, fixated patterns and old worn out beliefs.  Can we release the grip around our wanting and grasping? Can we invite a full exhale to allow a new way- full of simplicity and vitality . 

In this class we will explore the vitality available through correct breathing , simple exercises to empower our posture and discover ways to build our immunity.

“ The less you want the more you have “

Saturday, June 15th : 15.30-18.00

  • Stay Curious 

This is the third principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life

Flight, fight, and freeze are fear based mechanisms that can dictate our life.  Our Fear is the breadcrumbs on the path. Can we look our fears in the eye with a child-like innocence?  Can awe and wonderment start enhancing our lives, rather than fear suffocating it? Can we begin being invested in the creativity available in a world we don’t know?  In this class we will understand ways our adrenals can deregulate our body , explore the kidneys as a way to strengthen our lower back and slow down as an intelligent means to build life force .

“ In is the way out “ 

Sunday, June 16th : 12.30-15.00

  • Be a benevolent presence for each other 

This is the fourth principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life

“ Kindness is my religion “ said the Dalia Lama . 

Being completely obsessed with one’s own needs and wants doesn’t allow us to make the valuable contributions to our planet and the people. Waking up in a messy world allows a new found power and insight towards what is possible when we widen our perspective and activate our generosity.

In this class,  we will explore movement therapy in the shoulder and hip joints , the importance of not moving in rigid,  fixed patterns and discover new pathways of the mind and body. 

“ We can limit our possibilities to fit our mind or expand our mind to fit the possibilities “ 


individual workshops after May 1st : 85 chf / 60 chf students 

  • early bird before May 1st, take 10 % off individual workshops

whole weekend- bundle all 4 as a set  : 280 chf / 225 chf students 



Gwyn Williams  is a movement based therapist that created Zenthai shiatsu over 20 years ago.  On the surface, Zenthai is a fusion of Zen shiatsu, Thai massage and osteopathic technique, however beneath is an enriched conversation with a vibrant ever-changing life.  The dissolving of division into unity continues to be his inspiration and the aspects of community, connection and contribution are at the core of the practice. Whilst many have been touched by the therapist programs and the multi layered offerings,  the art has evolved in movement and intention and it continues to be based around Thich Knat Hahn’s 

“When you touch something with awareness you touch everything. “ 

Gwyn's work can be explored through his books ’The Zen of touch'  and 'Connection to Source”, the www.zenthaishiatsu.com website or the Zenthai healing centres in Australia and Bali. 


